
In 1952, Hannah started attending sculpture classes with Benno Schotz at the Glasgow School of Art. Initially she intended that the anatomy she would learn would improve her drawing technique. However, she soon turned solely to sculpture Some of her figures retain the simplicity and elongated forms found in her drawings. She worked in clay and plaster, and bronzes were made of many of her pieces.

Hannah Frank exhibited her sculptures at the Royal Glasgow Institute, Royal Scottish Academy and Royal Academy in her fifty year sculpting career. She worked with several bronze casters, but soon settled on the Art Bronze Foundry in London, where the founder’s son, Michael Gaskin, also cast bronzes for Henry Moore, Elizabeth Frink, Jacob Epstein & Barbara Hepworth among other great artists. She would send plaster or clay models down to London to be cast in bronze, using the centuries old Lost Wax process whereby a rubber mould is first made from the plaster cast.

Today Hannah Frank’s family works with Iomhar and Ruaraig Maciver at fine art bronzecasting foundry Beltane in Peebles whenever bronze recasts of her sculptures are requested.
In accordance with the artist’s wishes, no more than twelve bronzes of each piece will be cast.