Exhibitions & Events: 2001 – 2003

Hannah Frank at The Gregson Cafe-Bar

March 2003. The Gregson Cfe-Bar, Lancaster

Web: www.gregson.co.uk

Hannah Frank’s work was exhibited in the exhibition at the Gregson Arts and Community Centre in March 2003.


gregson arts and community centre

Fiona Frank with Hannah Frank’s drawings at the Gregson Arts and Community Centre.

Hannah Frank, 75 years a Glasgow Artist

December 2001 – February 2002. The Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster University, Lancaster

An exhibition of Hannah Frank’s drawings, sculptures, memorabilia and books from the artist’s bookshelves. This exhibition, curated by Mary Gavagan, kicked off the rise in interest of Hannah Frank over the last years, and we are very appreciative of the support of the gallery.